Meet our team of adventure experts
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Daniel Murphy - Co-owner and South Island Operations Manager
Working in the outdoors has always been a priority for Daniel. His progression from agriculture to tourism started with a role as a walking guide in Spain in the late 90's. Daniel doesn't get to guide too many tours these days but he still manages to get out there and do some inspiring tour research and development. Mongolia today... who knows where tomorrow?

Anne Murphy - Co-owner and Marketing Manager
Growing up in rural New Zealand it was no wonder that this country girl returned to work involving the outdoors. She tried to become a city slicker with her commerce degree under her wing but she packed in the corporate life when she met Daniel and moved to Spain. Anne’s post-graduate teaching qualification she gained, upon her return to New Zealand, and time in the classroom is invaluable whilst we develop our youth and school group tours.

Malcolm O’Neill - Co-owner and North Island Operations Manager
Even before he could walk, Malcolm was being carried through the New Zealand wilderness in a pack on his father’s back. Since those early and rather puzzling days, he has hiked, climbed, sea kayaked and mountain biked throughout New Zealand and the globe. He squeezed in time to get a science degree in physical geography and co-authored a guidebook, Classic New Zealand Adventures.

Angela Janes - Sales and Administration Manager
Ange has roamed as far south as McMurdo (Antarctica) for work, as far north as the top of Europe for cycle touring, trekked amongst the peaks of the Himalaya and wandered the wilderness of NZ (naturally!). There is a good chance Ange will handle all of your booking as she is our sales guru - lucky you, she is great!

Michelle McConnon - Marketing and Operations Coordinator
Michelle left a career in tourism operations and publishing to look after her young family but the opportunity to join the Hiking New Zealand team was too much for this outdoor obsessive to resist. Michelle's enthusiasm for anything active and adventurous is contagious. Whens she's not out mountain running she's putting her boundless energy into keeping the rest of us free-range adventurers in line and our operations system running like a well oiled machine.

Eva Starostka - Marketing and Administration Assistant
Eva has a passion for traveling the world. We label her the confused Pole; born in Poland, raised in Germany, completed her tourism studies in the Netherlands, spent seven months in South Africa and is now working in New Zealand. Eva relishes every opportunity to join our tours, despite our efforts to shackle her to her desk. She is having a great time exploring her new backyard.

Anne van der Landen - Intern
Originally from the Netherlands but has spent about a fifth of her life abroad already. Influenced by this, Anne naturally started her tourism studies and is getting the most out of it by leaving her home country some more. Now she's an intern for Hiking New Zealand and is getting the best of both worlds: seeing the beautiful country while getting more experience in the industry.